Special Interest Groups
Special Interest Groups help members connect on a more personal level and tend to be rewarding and fulfilling. Form a group comprised of members sharing a common interest (Book Club, Mommy ‘n Me, Sister Mixers) with the intention of having this group create a bond with one another as well as the alumnae group. Interest Groups should have a chairman to be a liaison between the SIG and the alumnae chapter or association.
The New Orleans Alumnae Chapter currently hosts the following Special Interest Groups for our members. Click the name to join, or click here to use our Google Form!
- Aunt Hannahs: These NOAC alumnae are paired with a senior-year Epsilon Phi collegian to be their friend, sounding board, mentor and more throughout their final semester.
- Anchored Pages Book Club: This group gathers to discuss a new book each month, meeting on the third week of the month (excluding February).
- Cooking, Dining and Wining Group: Share related information, cook together, gather in small groups for Dining and Wining, etc.
- DIY, Art, Crafting, Florals, Gardening, etc.: Enjoy DIY such as art, crafting, florals, gardening, etc. with other members or share events to attend.
- Ladies Who Lunch: This group gathers each spring and fall to connect over a Dutch treat meal. This SIG is led by Alma Dunlap, Gamma Zeta-LSU.
- Mommies and Lil Wee Dee Gees: Connect with Mommie members for play dates, events, babysitting groups, etc.
- Trivia, Board Games, Cards, etc. Group: Connect with members who enjoy playing trivia, board games, cards, etc.
- Volunteering Opportunities: Volunteer with our local philanthropies or in the community. Share events with others, too!
- Sole Sisters Walking & Wellness Group: Connect in Audubon Park (led by Nicole Favre, Epsilon Phi-Loyola and Heather Pressler, Beta Eta-Texas) and City Park (led by Liz Ferguson, Alpha Psi-Mississippi).
- "Young at Heart" 40 members: Find like interests and activities with our members including Grad Students and under 40 or so years of age!
Want to propose a new Special Interest Group? Email NOAC at DeltaGammaNOLA@gmail.com.